Short story of the webmaster
I'm Dome welcome to my web-site in particular dedicated to the music
I was born in 1974 near Torino, i discovered my strong passion for music since i was young
step by step it's became a crazy illness worsen with internet and mp3 too
I listen music at 360° , big bands but also new bands .I share my passion with my wife Mary.
We married in the 2002 and we lived togheter in Emilia Romagna since 2001
Emilia Romagna is rich of musical events and a lot of artists are from here.
When we are off we go to pubs , stadium or place where we can see and listen great concerts.
I'm very lucky 'cause i saw very famous bands like Pink Floyd,
Red Hot Chili Pepers,Metallica,The Darknees, Muse ,The Doors( without Jim Morrison ),
U2, AC/DC,Deep Purple,Garbage,Rem,Green Day and italian bands like
Lacuna Coil,Subsonica,Verdena,Afterhours,Litfiba,Vasco Rossi,Carmen Consoli, Elisa, 99Posse,Linea77,Ligabue and and more
I've 550 cd more or less and also records , vhs and dvd of the more important concerts.
Now i work for geotechnology industry
but my life is always full of strong emotions thanks to the music
In my spare-time , i like also make pictures ,
drowing , write poetries,travelle around, web and arts.
My secret dream ? I wish to have a Megastore of music and instruments.
I've create this web site because i want to share my passion for music and all his sounds
'Cause music is part of my life.

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